Tata Indica 2015 Review

07 Oct, 2023
Tata Indica 2015 Review

Tata Motors was founded in 1945 as ‘Tata Engineering and Locomotive Company’. In the beginning and for a long time after that, this company manufactured TELCO commercial trucks. Tata Motors has come a long way since then, with facilities both in India and abroad. Today we will discuss the Tata Indica, which was one of the reasons for the success of the Tata Motor Company. The Tata Indica is a car that has captured many hearts over the course of two generations. This car was originally manufactured in 1998. So, the 2015 Tata Indica 2nd Generation is the vehicle that CarsGuide is examining today.

Exterior Design

Let’s start with the exterior of the Tata Indica, which is the first thing people notice when they see a vehicle. The Tata logo can be seen in the middle of the chrome front grill. Fog lights and automated headlamps are examples of front lighting.

There is also a windshield wiper and two windshield washers. A vented disc brake type is used at the front. We notice a stylish appearance as soon as we glance at the front of this car.

We can notice 13-inch alloy wheels from the side view. The body color of the vehicle may be seen through the door handles and side mirrors. There are four windows with power controls. The Tata Indica is equipped with a centralized locking mechanism. The vehicle’s length is 3660 mm.

When it comes to the Tata Indica’s rear design, the Tata emblem can be found in the middle of the tailgate. A windshield wiper has yet to arrive. Drum brakes are used in the rear. There is a trunk opener with a remote.

The Tata Indica is a hatchback and has been assigned with an average ground clearance based on the segment to which it belongs. In the hatchback sector, the average ground clearance required for the Tata Indica is 168 mm. The Indica, on the other hand, has a ground clearance of 165 mm.

The boot of the Indica has a capacity of 215 liters. However, we can fold the rear seats to extend the boot size to 610 liters if necessary.

Interior Design

Even though a car appears to be of excellent quality on the exterior, it is meaningless if the interior lacks similar design. So, let’s see if the Tata Indica’s outside and interior have been built as planned.

There are two fabric seats in the driver’s compartment of the Tata Indica, and are comfortable for both the driver and the front passenger. The driver’s seat cannot be modified in height. The driver compartment has a reasonable amount of leg and headroom in general.

This car has a 12 Volt power outlet, a USB connector, and an audio system with four built-in speakers. The steering wheel is adjustable. This vehicle also includes a Silver metallic center console, a silver tip gear knob, and a Front cabin light with a Spot light.

The passenger cabin has three fabric seats, with no middle armrest. In addition, there are no air conditioning vents in the passenger cabin, and space is insufficient for a tall individual. However, adequate leg and headroom has been added for the average individual.


The Tata Indica has a 1396 cc engine. Diesel is the fuel type. This engine produces 69 horsepower. And the torque available is 140 Nm.

This vehicle’s engine is coupled to a manual transmission. Front wheel drive is specified.
From 0 to 100 km/h, this vehicle takes 15.7 seconds. The maximum speed is 160 km/h. It uses 6 liters of fuel every 100 kilometers. So, because this vehicle’s fuel tank capacity is 37 gallons, you can travel 616 kilometers on this capacity.

Ride Quality

When it comes to the ride of the Tata Indica, the steering wheel allows you to drive effortlessly and comfortably
It can turn in a small area because of its turning radius of 4.9 m. So, overall, the Tata Indica provides us with a comfortable ride.

Safety & Technology

When we buy a vehicle, we consider safety in a variety of ways. Let’s have a look at how Tata Indica was designed with safety in mind.
There are no airbags in this.

Side impact beams, front impact beams, and an engine immobilizer are among the safety features available on the Tata Indica. The high-mounted stop lamp is also an advanced safety feature.

The Tata Indica lacks safety features such as ABS, EBD, Brake assist, Day and night rear view mirror, Xenon headlamps, Traction control, Tire pressure monitor, and Stability control system.

According to these facts, the Tata Indica gets a three-star safety rating.

Tata Indica Pros Tata Indica 2015 Pros

  • Good visibility
  • Comfortable ride
  • Reduction of ride cost
  • Strong suspension

Tata Indica Cons Tata Indica 2015 Cons

  • The passenger cabin is not big enough for a tall person
  • Does not include some safety features
  • Hearing a belt noise when the vehicle is started

Expert's Opinion


Out of 10

These are the facts regarding the Tata Indica that we have to share with you. Although it has some drawbacks, the Tata Indica also has some virtues, therefore it can be considered a good car in general.With all of this information, our experts at CarsGuide give the Tata Indica an overall grade of 6.4 out of 10.

Tata Motors 1945 දී Tata Engineering සහ Locomotive සමාගම’ ලෙස ආරම්භ කරන ලදී. ආරම්භයේදී සහ ඉන් පසුව දීර්ඝ කාලයක් මෙම සමාගම TELCO වාණිජ ට්‍රක් රථ නිෂ්පාදනය කළේය. ටාටා මෝටර්ස් එතැන් සිට බොහෝ දුරක් පැමිණ ඇති අතර, ඉන්දියාවේ සහ විදේශයන්හි පහසුකම් ඇත. අද අපි සාකච්ඡා කරන්නේ Tata මෝටර් සමාගමේ සාර්ථකත්වයට එක් හේතුවක් වූ Tata Indica ගැනයි. ටාටා ඉන්ඩිකා යනු පරම්පරා දෙකක කාලය තුළ බොහෝ හදවත් දිනාගත් මෝටර් රථයකි. මේ කාර් එක මුලින් නිෂ්පාදනය කරලා තියෙන්නේ 1998. ඉතින් 2015 Tata Indica 2nd Generation එක තමයි අද CarsGuide තුළින් කතා කරන්නේ.

Tata Indica රථයේ බාහිර පෙනුමෙන් පටන් ගනිමු, එය වාහනයක් දුටු විට මිනිසුන්ට පෙනෙන පළමු දෙයයි. ටාටා ලාංඡනය ක්‍රෝම් ඉදිරිපස ග්‍රිල් එක මැද දැකිය හැකිය. මීදුම ලයිට් සහ ස්වයංක්‍රීය ලාම්පු ඉදිරිපස ආලෝකය සඳහා උදාහරණ වේ.Windshield wiper එකක් සහ windshield washer දෙකක් ද ඇත. ඉදිරිපසින් වාතාශ්‍රය සහිත තැටි තිරිංග වර්ගයක් භාවිතා වේ. මෙම මෝටර් රථයේ ඉදිරිපස දෙස බැලූ සැණින් අපි ආකර්ෂණීය පෙනුමක් දකිමු.Side view එකෙන් අපට 13-inch alloy wheel හැක. වාහනයේ body color එක door handle සහ side mirror හරහා දැකිය හැකිය. power control සහිත කවුළු හතරක් ඇත. Tata Indica centralized locking mechanism එකකින් සමන්විත වේ. වාහනයේ දිග මි.මී 3660කි .

Tata Indica යනු hatchback එකක් වන අතර එය අයත් වන කොටස මත පදනම්ව සාමාන්‍ය ground clearance එකක් සහිතව පවරා ඇත. හැච්බැක් අංශයේ Tata Indica සඳහා අවශ්‍ය සාමාන්‍ය ground clearance මිලිමීටර් 168 කි. අනෙක් අතට, Indica හි ground clearance එක මිලිමීටර් 165 කි.

Indica boot capacity එක ලීටර් 215 කි. කෙසේ වෙතත්, අවශ්‍ය නම් ඇරඹුම් ප්‍රමාණය ලීටර් 610 දක්වා දිගු කිරීමට අපට පසුපස ආසන නැමිය හැකිය.Safety features හි ඇති ආරක්‍ෂිත විශේෂාංග අතර පැති බලපෑම් කදම්බ, ඉදිරිපස බලපෑම් කදම්භ සහ එන්ජින් ප්‍රතිශක්තිකරණයකි. ඉහළ සවිකර ඇති නැවතුම් ලාම්පුව ද උසස් ආරක්ෂණ අංගයකි.

Tata Indica හි ABS, EBD, බ්‍රේක් සහය, දිවා රාත්‍රී පසුපස දසුන් දර්පණය, Xenon headlamps, Traction control, Tyre pressure Monitor, Stability Control System වැනි ආරක්‍ෂිත විශේෂාංග නොමැත.

Tata Indica Pros Tata Indica 2015 වාසි

  • හොඳ දෘශ්යතාව
  • සුවපහසු ගමනක්
  • ධාවන පිරිවැය අඩු කිරීම

Tata Indica Cons Tata Indica 2015 අවාසි

  • මගී කුටිය උස පුද්ගලයෙකුට ප්‍රමාණවත් නොවේ
  • සමහර ආරක්ෂිත විශේෂාංග ඇතුළත් නොවේ

විශේෂඥ මතය


Out of 10

Tata Indica සම්බන්ධව අපට ඔබ සමඟ බෙදා ගැනීමට ඇති කරුණු මේවාය. එහි යම් යම් අඩුපාඩු තිබුණද, Tata Indica සතුව යම් යම් ගුණධර්ම ද ඇත, එබැවින් එය සාමාන්‍යයෙන් හොඳ මෝටර් රථයක් ලෙස සැලකිය හැකිය. මෙම සියලු තොරතුරු සමඟින්, CarsGuide හි අපගේ විශේෂඥයින් Tata Indica හට සමස්ත ශ්‍රේණියේ 10න් 6.4ක් ලබා දෙයි.

Tata Indica


  • Air conditioning
  • Power steering
  • Central locking
  • Power windows (front)

Tata Indica


  • Tachometer
  • Music system with MP3 and CD player
  • Keyless entry

Tata Indica


  • Refreshed design
  • Improved interior features
  • Enhanced safety features

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is the Tata Indica a good / reliable car?

As per our experts' review and rating, the Tata Indica has scored 6.4 out of 10. To find out more about whether the Tata Indica is well-suited to your specific needs, make sure to read our full review on it.

What factors should I consider when buying a used Tata Indica?

Here are some important factors you should consider before buying a used Tata Indica car:
  • Price / budget & financing
  • Vehicle maintenance history & reputation
  • Pre-purchase inspection & test drive
  • Ownership and vehicle title
  • Insurance
  • Lifestyle compatibility
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