Nissan Dayz 2016 Review

11 Oct, 2023
Nissan Dayz 2016 Review

Nissan was founded in 1928 by Japanese inventor Yoshisuke Aikawa as president of Nihon Sangyo. Nihon Sangyo, which principally trades in foundries and car parts, debuted on the Tokyo stock exchange in 1933 as Nissan. The Nissan Dayz is a well-known K car created by Nissan that began in this manner. So, today, CarsGuide will be evaluating the Nissan Dayz, which was manufactured in 2016.

Exterior Design

Let’s start with the exterior, which is the first thing someone notices about a vehicle. The front of the Dayz has no distinguishing features when compared to other automobiles. There are conventional Halogen lights and standard signal lights visible. The Nissan symbol can be seen in the center of the chrome grill. The Dayz appears to be a hybrid of a wagon and a car from the front.

When glancing at the outside, anyone could believe that there is plenty of headroom due to the wagon-style body design on the side. Winker mirrors, keyless entry, and 14-inch alloy wheels are also options. The camera beneath the side mirrors distinguishes Dayz from other K automobiles.

The rear lights have been developed to complement the wagon type. A windshield wiper, a center mounted brake light, and a reverse light have been delivered. The Nissan insignia is designed in chrome in the center of the tailgate, while the Dayz logo is located on the side of the tailgate.

The ground clearance of vehicles in the hatchback sector, to which this Dayz belongs, should be 168 mm on average. The Dayz, on the other hand, has a 150 mm ground clearance.
When it comes to the boot, it has a standard size. The rear seats can be folded forward to improve boot capacity if necessary. Furthermore, the compartment under the boot floor for storing the tool kit can be utilized as boot space.

Interior Design

We notice an ivory and brown blend interior as soon as we enter the Dayz. Furthermore, the interior has been built in such a way that we require it in our daily lives.

Ivory and brown mix fabric seats have been given in the driver cabin. There is plenty of leg and headroom. Seats may be shifted to the sides if necessary, and legroom can be comfortably changed.

A single side multifunction steering wheel is shown. You can use this to adjust the volume and switch between driving modes. On the right side of this steering wheel, there are power shutters and power mirrors. Traction can also be turned on and off. A cup holder is visible below the AC vent, as it is in most vehicles. When discussing the cluster panel, you will notice a standard speedometer. An armrest that can be lifted and lowered is provided. Many K automobiles consider both comfort and storage. As we can see with the Dayz, there is a spacious storage room on the passenger side, as well as shopping hooks and storage areas below the steering wheel. In addition, there is a tray beneath the passenger seat that can carry a maximum weight of 2 kg.

There are two ivory and brown blend fabric seats in the passenger compartment. In terms of seating, the legs do not brush against the seats. However, in comparison to other vehicles, because the seat is provided all the way down, it does not feel as unpleasant. Even if you take the front seats to the side, there is plenty legroom. Furthermore, the Dayz is a wagon type, which offers it a lot of headroom. It is tough to travel with three passengers. However, for two persons, they may typically travel comfortably. The passenger compartment, like the driver cabin, has excellent door bins and bottle storage.


Other K cars typically include options such as a hybrid system or ENE chargers to improve performance or reduce fuel consumption. However, the Dayz is only powered by a 660cc 3-cylinder engine. This engine produces 64 horsepower and 98 Newton-meters of torque.

The 660cc three-cylinder engine is paired with an automated transmission. The Dayz is also regarded as an all-wheel-drive vehicle.

Fuel consumption is 18 km/liter in the city and 20 km/liter outside of the city. Essentially, the Dayz has a 660cc engine, yet it has a good fuel consumption.

Ride Quality

When it comes to the ride of the Dayz, because there is no hybrid function, the sensation of riding on an engine is excellent. It can turn almost in any place because it has a large turning radius. When reversing, the side mirrors, front and back cameras provide a complete surround vision. This view is accessible via the dashboard display. Furthermore, if you want to display additional information, you can do so by pressing the camera button under the rear-view mirror. When compared to previous K cars, the Dayz has been given a variety of options to make the ride more comfortable, despite the exterior not having as many features.

Safety & Technology

When it comes to safety, the Dayz has two airbags as standard, as do many K automobiles. As a result, in case of an accident, the harm to the driver and front passenger is decreased.

The Dayz includes all of the standard safety features that are expected of a car. Traction control, ABS, EBA, engine immobilizer, parking sensors, and Isofix kid protection can be found among them. Dayz has a 4-star JNCAP safety rating as a result of these factors.

Nissan Dayz  Pros Nissan Dayz 2016 Pros

  • Easy to turn anywhere
  • When reverse, a full surround view can be obtained
  • Getting a good headroom for the interior
  • Being a family vehicle

Nissan Dayz  Cons Nissan Dayz 2016 Cons

  • Transmission problems
  • Engine problems
  • Lack of a special appearance on the exterior
  • High price of spare parts

Expert's Opinion


Out of 10

So, even if you are not planning to purchase a wagon-type vehicle, we believe that this evaluation will be useful for people who enjoy such cars in order to gain a thorough grasp of the Dayz. The Dayz might be described as a great car, particularly for a family of four. Aside from that, it is a good car for individuals who prefer to focus on the engine. With all of this information, CarsGuide can offer Nissan Dayz an overall rating of 7.8 out of 10.

Nissan 1928 දී ජපන් නව නිපැයුම්කරුවෙකු වන Yoshisuke Aikawa විසින් Nihon Sangyo හි සභාපති ලෙස ආරම්භ කරන ලදී. ප්‍රධාන වශයෙන් foundries සහ මෝටර් රථ අමතර කොටස් වෙළඳාම් කරන Nihon Sangyo, 1933 දී Nissan ලෙස ටෝකියෝ කොටස් හුවමාරුවේ ආරම්භ විය. Nissan Dayz කියන්නේ මේ විදියට පටන් ගත්ත නිසාන් සමාගම විසින් නිර්මාණය කරපු සුප්‍රසිද්ධ K කාර් එකක්.

වාහනයක් ගැන යමෙකු දකින පළමු දෙය වන බාහිර පෙනුමෙන් පටන් ගනිමු. අනෙකුත් මෝටර් රථ හා සසඳන විට Dayz හි ඉදිරිපස කැපී පෙනෙන ලක්ෂණ නොමැත. සාම්ප්‍රදායික හැලජන් ලයිට් සහ සම්මත සංඥා ලාම්පු දෘශ්‍යමාන වේ. ක්‍රෝම් ග්‍රිල් එක මධ්‍යයේ Nissan සංකේතය දැකිය හැක. පිටතින් බැලූ විට, පැත්තේ ඇති වැගන් පන්නයේ බොඩි ඩිසයින් නිසා ඕනෑ තරම් හිස් කාමරයක් ඇති බව ඕනෑම කෙනෙකුට විශ්වාස කළ හැකිය. වින්කර් දර්පණ, යතුරු රහිත ඇතුල්වීම සහ අඟල් 14 මිශ්‍ර රෝද ද විකල්ප වේ.

මෙම Dayz අයත් වන Hatchback වාහනවල ground clearance සාමාන්‍යයෙන් 168 mm විය යුතුය. අනෙක් අතට, Dayz, 150 mm ක ground clearance එකක් ඇත.Boot space එක ගැන කියනවනම් ඒකට Standard Size එකක් තියෙනවා. අවශ්‍ය නම් ඇරඹුම් ධාරිතාව වැඩි දියුණු කිරීම සඳහා පසුපස ආසන ඉදිරියට නැමිය හැකිය. තවද, tool kit එක ගබඩා කිරීම සඳහා boot floor යට ඇති මැදිරිය ඇරඹුම් අවකාශය ලෙස භාවිතා කළ හැක.

අනෙකුත් K මෝටර් රථවල කාර්ය සාධනය වැඩි දියුණු කිරීමට හෝ ඉන්ධන පරිභෝජනය අඩු කිරීමට දෙමුහුන් පද්ධතියක් හෝ ENE චාජර් වැනි විකල්ප ඇතුළත් වේ. කෙසේ වෙතත්, Dayz බලගන්වන්නේ 660cc 3-cylinder එන්ජිමකින් පමණි. මෙම එන්ජිම අශ්වබල 64ක් සහ නිව්ටන්-මීටර් 98ක ව්‍යවර්ථයක් නිපදවයි.660cc ත්‍රි-සිලින්ඩර් එන්ජිම ස්වයංක්‍රීය සම්ප්‍රේෂණයක් සමඟ යුගලනය කර ඇත. Dayz සියලු රෝද ධාවන වාහනයක් ලෙස ද සැලකේ.නගරයේ ඉන්ධන පරිභෝජනය ලීටර් 18 කි.මී. සහ නගරයෙන් පිටත ලීටර් 20 කි. අත්යවශ්යයෙන්ම, Dayz සතුව 660cc එන්ජිමක් ඇත, නමුත් එය හොඳ ඉන්ධන පරිභෝජනයක් ඇත.

Nissan Dayz  Pros Nissan Dayz 2016 වාසි

  • ඕනෑම තැනකට හැරවීමට පහසුය
  • ආපසු හරවන විට, සම්පූර්ණ අවට දසුනක් ලබා ගත හැක
  • අභ්‍යන්තරය සුවපහසුය
  • පවුලේ වාහනයක් වීම

Nissan Dayz  Cons Nissan Dayz 2016 අවාසි

  • සම්ප්රේෂණ ගැටළු
  • එන්ජින් ගැටළු
  • බාහිර පෙනුමේ විශේෂ පෙනුමක් නොමැතිකම
  • අමතර කොටස්වල ඉහළ මිල

විශේෂඥ මතය


Out of 10

එබැවින්, ඔබ වැගන් වර්ගයේ වාහනයක් මිලදී ගැනීමට සැලසුම් කර නොමැති වුවද, එවැනි මෝටර් රථ රසවිඳින පුද්ගලයින්ට Dayz පිළිබඳ මනා අවබෝධයක් ලබා ගැනීම සඳහා මෙම ඇගයීම ප්‍රයෝජනවත් වනු ඇතැයි අපි විශ්වාස කරමු. විශේෂයෙන්ම හතර දෙනෙකුගෙන් යුත් පවුලකට විශිෂ්ට මෝටර් රථයක් ලෙස Dayz විස්තර කළ හැක. ඊට අමතරව, එන්ජිම කෙරෙහි අවධානය යොමු කිරීමට කැමති පුද්ගලයින් සඳහා එය හොඳ මෝටර් රථයකි. මෙම සියලු තොරතුරු සමඟින්, CarsGuide විසින් Nissan Dayz හට 10 න් 7.8 ක සමස්ත ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීමක් ලබා දිය හැක.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is the Nissan Dayz a good / reliable car?

As per our experts' review and rating, the Nissan Dayz has scored 7.8 out of 10. To find out more about whether the Nissan Dayz is well-suited to your specific needs, make sure to read our full review on it.

What is the maximum power and maximum torque of the Nissan Dayz ?

In the Nissan Dayz , the maximum power is 49 ps and maximum torque is 6 kgm.

What is the riding capacity of the Nissan Dayz ?

The riding capacity of the Nissan Dayz is 4 Seater.

What is the engine capacity of the Nissan Dayz ?

The engine capacity of the Nissan Dayz is 659 cc.

What factors should I consider when buying a used Nissan Dayz ?

Here are some important factors you should consider before buying a used Nissan Dayz car:
  • Price / budget & financing
  • Vehicle maintenance history & reputation
  • Pre-purchase inspection & test drive
  • Ownership and vehicle title
  • Insurance
  • Lifestyle compatibility

Nissan Dayz 2016 Specifications

Launch Year2016
Origin CountryJapan
Body Type
Riding Capacity4 Seater
Model CodeDBA-B21W
Overall Length3395 mm
Overall Width1475 mm
Overall Height1620 mm
Wheelbase2430 mm
Tread Front1300 mm
Tread Rear1290 mm
Interior Length2085 mm
Interior Width1295 mm
Interior Height1280 mm
Weight830 kg
Engine Model3B20
Maximum Power49 ps
Maximum Power36 kw
Maximum Power6500 rpm
Max. Torque KGM6 kgm
Max. Torque Nm59 Nm
Max. Torque RPM5000 rpm
Engine Capacity659 cc
Compression Ratio10.9
Fuel Tank Capacity30 L
Min. Turning Radius4.4
Tires Size Front155/65R14 75S
Tires Size Rear155
Driving WheelFF
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